Turn that Truck!

by Dr. Karen Colvin on September 26, 2014

in Word of the Week

imagesTo take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ, you must redirect your thoughts. When something negative is heavy on your mind, redirecting your thoughts is almost like turning a huge Mack truck, without power steering; but by the Spirit of God, and by deliberately making a decision to worship and praise the goodness of God, it can be done.

Sessions in Pain pg. 60


In God, nothing is impossible. We do not have to be slaves to our emotions, which are moved and shifted by every pain and shadow on this Earth. Sometimes our emotions are like a truck racing down the highway out of control, but as we make a decision to look to Christ in the hardships of  life He will put His hands on ours and help us turn the Truck of our emotion toward Him and there will be Peace!

Turn our Truck, Oh Lord! truck-driving-jobs-2

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