Of Damaged Goods

by Dr. Karen Colvin on July 26, 2014

in The Autism Times

We feel less valued when we have been hurt; we stamp “damaged  goods” across our hearts. This feeling is an inescapable aspect of our humanness. You may try to hide or even deny it, but it becomes apparent as you decline invitations and offers to enjoy life events from friends and family. God desires that you overcome shame and come to a place of knowing your value to Him.

Sessions in Pain Pg. 83

I remember the grief that I felt when we got the news that  Matthew had autism. I was not just grieving for Matthew but also for the son I thought we had. Everything would be different  now – our family would be marked as less than perfect; damaged goods.

Then God, entered into our circumstance in this fallen world and showed us a path of hope and victory. He took the pain of our family and strengthened us. It was our choice to step out of the “damaged goods” box and live in the light and freedom of His Love.

We did!                                    OpenBoxWithLight


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