Deliberate Worship

by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 22, 2014

in Word of the Week

tears-in-worshipOne of the greatest defenses in coping with our pain is worship. Psalm 100:1 (KJV) says, “Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands.” Have you ever tried to worship with your heart in shreds, just trying to make a noise, let alone a joyful one? Beloved, even when our hearts are full of pain, we must make it a definite point to worship God.

Sessions in Pain, pg. 91

Worship must be deliberate, meaning it must be done on purpose. You have to make the decision to worship through your pain, your  disappointments, through your seasons of spiritual dryness, and as you wait.  You must make the  premeditated and intentional decision to cling to HIM through worship! Just like the woman in the Bible who had the blood disease but crawled through the crowd to touch the hem of His garment, as you worship Him in your pain you demonstrate one of the greatest acts of faith you can offer your Lord.

Touch Him!220jesus_woman

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Deliberate Worship