The Captive

by Dr. Karen Colvin on February 14, 2014

in Word of the Week


As the grieving mind continues its contaminated analysis on life, it starts to picture the future under a dark cloud.  With that picture comes a consuming fear of what may happen.  I cannot recount the many times I have been down that road of the possible future.  The imagery can be frightening and consuming if not arrested.  These are the times when we must strive to obey 2 Corinthians 10:5 and “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  These thoughts must be captured, or they will take us captive.

Sessions in Pain pg. 58

The human brain is designed to continually process thoughts. There is never a time when your conscious mind is without thoughts. As you sleep your dreams reflect the thoughts of your subconscious mind – ever going, ever affecting who you are.  Therefore, it is up to you to to obey the Scriptures and “manage your mind” so that your thoughts do not take you captive to stress, fear, stagnation and even evil.  Choose to feed your mind well and you will live free!


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