Word of the Week

The Name of God

by Dr. Karen Colvin on July 3, 2018

in Word of the Week

Jesus prayed for our protection by the greatest power in the universe—the Name of God. This name of God that was given to Christ by the Father, He now  uses  to  protect  us, guard  us and unite us. This name of God would eternally brand those as children of the Father for all who would receive it, for some will reject it and be lost as it was in the days of Noah and as it was for Judas  Iscariot.

Leaving Babylon pg. 51

“I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. (John 17:20 NLT).

picture credit: Nathan Green – Ever Interceding



by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 22, 2018

in Word of the Week

When you are going through a painful season, it is critical that you get tuned in to the Holy Spirit.  Often at such times our human nature wants to exert itself, avoid, and sometimes reject God’s way of handling the situation. 

Sessions in Pain pg. 160

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Oh the power of emotions!  It makes us “feel” entitled and righteous in our bad behaviors. Our emotions will tune out the Holy Spirit in a heartbeat and make us believe that even our Holy God will back-up our revenge on others; causing us to forget why our Christ died – so that we could overcome.

“And he who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God] and he who keeps My deeds [doing things that please Me] until the [very] end, to him I will give authority and power over the nations” (Revelation 2:26 AMP).


Picture credits: Medical New Today, Beggar’s Daughter, 



by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 15, 2018

in Word of the Week

We were masters over all life. All life on earth was commanded by the Creator to obey man. We were truly kings and queens of the planet—children of the Most High God in every way. We lived and walked on the planet in the authority of our Father, and there was perfect peace on earth.
Today, we are so far removed from such an existence that it is almost impossible for us to imagine such a state of living. Some humans have tried to recreate the original garden’s existence only to fail miserably. Why? Because even when we try to escape from the big cities, technology, human governments, and “certain people,” we carry with us one huge flaw—sin. We cannot erase our sin. Sooner or later as we try to create a human utopia, we see the emergence of pride, greed, jealousy, murder, and every other vice common to fallen humanity. We gave Satan, the prince and power of the air, our authority, and he and his demons will follow us wherever we run to on the planet. In all circumstances, situations, and man-made havens, we still needed a Savior—a Savior who can stand up and defeat Satan for us. Humanity needed Jesus!
“Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29b



by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 2, 2018

in Word of the Week

“There alone, hovering between wanting to kill someone and or kill myself, God met me. There alone, I found my Rock, my Stabilizer, my one and only Hope!  There alone, I discovered a new revelation of God’s grace.”  –  from Sessions in Pain Pg. 68

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: The human mind can be a fragile thing. How desperately we need the “Stabilizer”; the only One who can assure us that everything will be alright.




“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”  (Philippians 4:7 NKJV)







picture credit: massagegreen point.com, Spiritual Quote



by Dr. Karen Colvin on May 18, 2018

in Word of the Week


Leaving Babylon pgs. 87-88

The work of Babylon and her children is obvious to those who will choose to see it. I believe in these current times she keeps humanity blinded through busyness, as we struggle to keep up with the fast pace of our time. I recall a line from a TV show, Touched by an Angel, that said, “The world is moving faster and faster, but the human heart is beating at the same speed.” What a truth that statement is. Never before in human history have we been so mentally and emotionally tired as we try to keep up with the speed Babylon has set for us. Many of us have retreated into addictions and depression, and some have chosen suicide over remaining in the race to keep up. Mercy and genuine care from our fellow man has been lost in a cloud stress.

Babylon seeks to keep us fighting, competing, and trudging along day after day, never giving us time to assess the road we are on. She keeps us ever distracted and busy and pushes us to keep on working and working, knowing that we will never finish. We will die busy.


“… And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”  (Philippians 4:7 NIV).

 Picture credits: Fisher Funds, Pathoflife,



by Dr. Karen Colvin on May 11, 2018

in Word of the Week

The strongman may have been a good Christian, but somewhere along the way he forgot his dependence on Christ.  There was a shift in his heart as his success drove him to love and depend on himself more than on God.  God calls to him, but he is too busy to answer; for his mobile phone is constantly ringing, his blue tooth is ever in place, and there are meetings he must attend. – Sessions in Pain pg. 193

AUTHOR’S COMMENT: In this day and age of where we are inundated by technology and the drive for success, the ‘strongman syndrome’ plagues all of us. We must  fight to spend time with God and to hear Him over the many voices coming at us. Our hearts can easily and gradually shift toward what appears to be urgent, squeezing our Lord out of our lives.

“20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:20-21 NLT).


picture credits: everythinggirlslove.com, Joel Osteen



by Dr. Karen Colvin on May 4, 2018

in Word of the Week

The gathering of His people and the leaving of Babylon have been the mission of God since our deception in Eden. The early efforts of this gathering began with a man called Noah. He was a righteous man, who stood for God in the midst of the evil in the world (Gen. 6). God called him to build a tremendous ark—a place to separate all that would be saved from all that would be destroyed. In obedience, Noah followed the call of God to gather two of each kind of animal, his family and anyone that would come into the ark. Noah preached as he built the great ark. In spite of the ridicule of the people, he preached until the day the door of the ark was shut by God. Then came the judgment through  the  great flood.

Throughout history, we see this recurring sequence of events again and again. God raised up leaders to gather us out of Babylon. Kings, prophets, preachers, and teachers, through the ages have come with the same message to humanity—to turn and follow the one true and living God who loves them. Come to Him and be saved from the coming destruction, is the repeated message. Sin can never be separated from destruction. As we embraced one, the other has soon followed. These events of history were only precursors. The final gathering and the final destruction are yet to come. – Leaving Babylon pg. 50

“Two men will be working together in the field; one will be taken, the other left. (Matthew 24:40 nlt) – Jesus Christ

picture credits: Bibleinfo.com, Revelation for kids



by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 20, 2018

in Word of the Week

God gives material possessions to use for our daily needs but, too often, they become items of worship.  You can easily know where you are in God if material possessions and money cause your heart to change toward Him. Sessions in Pain pg. 37

AUTHOR’S COMMENT: What is the cost of your heart? What person, item, amount of money, or position can turn your heart from God or keep your heart from God? We live in a time where people are selling their hearts and souls to the highest bidder. Their banners are raised high, “HEART FOR SALE”. Decisions are made based on “what can you give me?”,  instead of “how can I serve the purpose of God?” Let us re-evaluate ourselves. Let us remember what will matter in the end.

“You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred” (2 Timothy 3:1-2 nlt).

picture credit – Inspirational Image



by Dr. Karen Colvin on March 30, 2018

in Word of the Week

Many people have difficulty accepting the fact that a God of love would also allow pain to be inflicted.  Either they decide to reject God altogether or live in denial that He allows pain in their lives.  They cannot make peace with a loving God who allows pain in their lives; but there is a resolution to their dilemma. 

Sessions in Pain pg. 27

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: TRUST HIM! Beloved, if you have  given your life to Christ, His  hand is always on the gauge of your life. He gives and He takes according to His love for you. Through the dark days He remains a good, good Savior; loving you and causing all things to work together for your good. As the Scriptures teach us:

“12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test you [that is, to test the quality of your faith], as though something strange or unusual were happening to you. 13 But insofar as you are sharing Christ’s sufferings, keep on rejoicing, so that when His glory [filled with His radiance and splendor] is revealed, you may rejoice with great joy.”  (1 Peter 4: 12-13 AMP).




by Dr. Karen Colvin on March 23, 2018

in Word of the Week

Leaving Babylon pg.72
Through the years, I have realized the great truth of the Scripture that proclaims, as far as the heavens are above the earth, so are God’s ways above my ways and God’s thoughts above my thoughts (Is. 55:9). He is willing to teach me through each situation of life, regardless of how small it is, if only I would yield my Babylonian ways to His ways. We must truly nail our old selves to the cross and operate in the Spirit as children of God.